Infomocracy by Malka Ann Older was a fascinating blend of technology, politics, big corporations and conspiracy. Everything in this world revolves around Information, a corporatized database of sorts that contains pretty much everything. It’s like Google, research libraries and government databases all rolled into one mega-powered Information solution. Pretty much, it’s all the information in the world contained and controlled. I found the government structure in this really intriguing. Instead of countries ruled by their own local governments, the world is now broken into pieces (centenals – which contain a population of about 100,000). Each centenal is ruled by their elected government, at least until the next election in 10 years. They don’t vote for individual people here or there, the entire government is a whole package deal. They refer to this model as “micro-democracy”. Now, as you can imagine, the campaigning, research and everything else that goes into a typical election here is on a whole other level when it is the entire package being voted on. It pretty much turns governments into corporations (in fact, some of them bear the names of modern day corporations we are quite familiar with) and all the tactics are taken to a much…
Here’s a rundown of the books we think you should look out for in coming in the week. See any that you are really looking forward to? Find any you had not heard of yet? Know of books we missed? We know we don’t have everything and would love to hear what you feel we may have overlooked. FANTASY URBAN FANTASY SCIENCE FICTION HORROR FANTASY URBAN FANTASY SCIENCE FICTION HORROR FANTASY URBAN FANTASY SCIENCE FICTION HORROR Saint’s Blood (US) Sebastien de Castell 6/7/2016 Jo Fletcher The Root Na’amen Gobert Tilahun 6/7/2016 Night Shade Books Pathfinder Tales: Liar’s Bargain Pratt, Tim 6/7/2016 Tor Books Infomocracy Older, Malka 6/7/2016 The Wheel of Osheim Lawrence, Mark 6/7/2016 Ace Last Call at the Night Shade Lounge Paul Krueger 6/7/2016 Quirk An Affinity for Steel Sam Sykes 6/7/2016 Orbit Spear of Light Brenda Cooper 6/7/2016 Pyr A Green and Ancient Light Frederic S. Durbin 6/7/2016 Saga Dr. DOA Simon…